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【Open-air Screening
The Posterist (2016) | A Sunny Day (2016)
24.9 (Sat) 7:30pm | Free Admission

The Posterist by Seewai Hui, son of the respected filmmaker Michael Hui, captures the life and art of Yuen Tai-yung, an unsung yet genius artist who single-handedly painted the Golden Era of Hong Kong Cinema from the 70s to 90s. What sparked the documentary was a pure accident: as the cold storage of father’s film firm had folded up, it came as a surprise that a significant amount of fans had requested to redeem posters created by Yuen Tai-yung. This had piqued the director’s interest and urged him to search for this talented master.

As Ying Liang’s first work in Hong Kong, A Sunny Day was greeted time and again at international film festivals. Adapted from Chan Wai’s novels, starring Joe Cheung and Ivy Pang, the story depicts Hong Kong at the heights of the Umbrella Movement. Through dialogues between father and daughter, subtle changes faced by every family amid the troubled times are highlighted, by looking into the growing estrangement.

48-hour Film Challenge
Premiere -
'The Good Times'

25.9 (Sun)
7:30pm | Free Admission

Through incessant shooting and video editing in 48 hours, eight masterpieces themed with “The Good Times” were born in teams’ collective effort. The premiere of works is at 7:30pm September 25th at ifva Carnival, where you can cast your vote together with our professional jury Nansun Shi (veteran film producer), O Sing-pui (renowned film director and cinematographer) and Eric Poon (documentary filmmaker/ Associate Professor, School of Journalism, Chinese University of Hong Kong). Join us to witness the grand event and experience the “Good times”!

 【Other Highlights

Film Tent under
the Wheel

Over 100 short films and animations will be screened in marathon style, including The Great Escape From Café City (2014) by Taiwanese director John Hsu, Goldberg Variations (2014) by Jolyon Cheung, starring Joey Leung and Vincci Cheuk Wan-chi, The Aqueous Truth (2013) by documentary filmmaker Chan Tze-woon, plus more.


From galleries to outdooers,
from optics to arts.

Ten new works themed around light and shadow play, and utilized media such as videos, installations, and kinetic sculptures will bring you an exclusive experience in a free open area. Pavilion for Our Harbour by Jason Lam and Sampson Wong invites you  to spend some time alone with our Victoria Harbour; Henry Chu’s Shadow Harp transforms human bodies into musical instruments by combining physical gestures with music interfaces.

>>>About Cinematic Playground


Music, illustrations, stories, food and beverages, you name it!

At A Secret To A Stranger, you are invited to exchange your intimate secrets with strangers using cassette tapes, sensing the breath, pause and tone, as if he/she is just next to you. Then rewind the tape to record your very own secret-to-be-shared. Stalls like Pop-up Poetry and Bird Eats Fish would bring you a sense of simplicity while experiencing such lovely barter trade.

>>>About Pop-up Market

  More events throughout two days, Read it ONLINE  
>>> Watch the trailer NOW!

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